QUTS - professional quality management  consultancy, training and coaching

global education 3000

Butterflywise Education System

Why ?

According to the notes from inventor and futurist “Ray Kurzweil”:
“Because of the explosive nature of exponential growth, the
twenty-first century will be equivalent to twenty thousand years of progress at today’s rate of progress; about one thousand times
greater than the twentieth century.”
Given the ultra rapid social, economic, and technological changes in our world, what are the educational challenges for leading
systems over the next 10 to 20 or 50 years?
The knowledge and skills that an educated person will need in 20 or 30 years will be dramatically different from what school
systems currently provide.
Current school system faces the significant challenge of “having to develop the learning experiences that they provide without
much clarity about what exactly students will need”.
What do our students need to learn today to be prepared for tomorrow? To be able to cope and thrive in terms of Globalization,
Information technology, Climate Change and Human Consciousness Evolution!

Our Vision

“Global Education 3000”/ “Butterflywise Education System” has come to life with an insightful vision to restructure the current education paradigm; based on three main pillars (RRS):

  • Restoring the authentic, free and creative nature of humans.
  • Re-creating the missing connection among man, nature and the universe.
  • Synchronizing the mindset of next generations with the new version of Tomorrow’s World.


Our mission

Our social responsibility towards the adaptability and the evolution of next generations; both combined are shaping our driving
force to re-create a new system of education and a powerful learning environment. These can stimulate students and all con-
cerned stakeholders to be authentic, free, creative and mostly self-conscious about their ideal talents, skills, growth potentials.
Studens are then well-equipped to deal with change in terms of “capacity to respond” rather than only “rules for action” and
ultimately pursuing the ideal of achieving a holistic viewpoint that can merge components of life which in turn, reflects positively
on every aspect of life: socially, economically and environmentally.